Building Address: 2501 Katharine Stinson Drive (show on map)
Building Abbreviation: MN
Building Number: 040
Precinct: North

Mann Hall is typical of many modern structures of the 1960s, employing a reinforced concrete frame and infill panels of brick and glass. This four-story building with an area of more than 78,000 square feet is the second to be named after Carroll Lamb Mann. The other building was incorporated into 111 Lampe Drive in 1956.
As an extensive surveyor, Mann surveyed much unclaimed coastal land, and some of the early developments of Raleigh. He was a member of a U.S. government survey party that explored the possibilities of a canal to be built across Nicaragua. For a quarter of a century, he was secretary of the State Board of Examiners for Engineers and Land Surveyors. After graduating in civil engineering (Class of 1899), Mann later returned to NC State to head the Department of Civil Engineering for 47 years. He was also chairman, for 30 years, of the alumni memorial committee, which conceived and constructed the Memorial Belltower.
Campus Buildings Campus Map