Building Address: 2610 Wolf Village Way (show on map)
Building Abbreviation: PSC
Building Number: 238
Precinct: Central

In July 2004, Campus Police and Fire Protection moved from North Campus to a more central location off of Sullivan Drive next to Environmental Health and Safety and across from the George Worsley Administrative Services Complex. The building houses administrative offices, patrol briefing area and locker rooms, investigative offices and holding areas, a communication center and a sally port. The facility was funded with bond funds approved by North Carolina’s voters in the historic $3.1 billion University and Community College Bond Referendum on November 7, 2000.
The Public Safety Center and Environmental Health and Safety Center are part of the Leffler Environmental Health and Public Safety Complex named for Charles D. Leffler, Vice Chancellor Emeritus for Finance and Administration. Vice Chancellor Leffler retired on September 30, 2015, after 31 years of service to NC State. During that time, Vice Chancellor Leffler provided leadership during the capital construction program of 2000, guided the physical development of all campus precincts with the most extensive being Centennial Campus. He enhanced community relationships and strengthened security measures for campus by developing a more sophisticated environmental health and public safety program at the university. He was recognized with the Honorary Alumnus Award in 2015.
Campus Buildings Campus Map