Building Address: 101 Derieux Place (show on map)
Building Abbreviation: WMS
Building Number: 062
Precinct: North

An early example of fundamentalist design, Williams Hall has a total area of 131,579 square feet. The research and studies housed in the building are devoted to feeding the world’s population and serving farmers and consumers of North Carolina through technology in crop science, plant pathology and soil science. The building is named for Charles Burgess Williams (1871-1947), who was named one of seven top-ranking agricultural scientists in America.
Williams, a member of the first class at NC State, was its first valedictorian and captain of the football team. A charter member of the Agronomy Society of America, he served as its president for one year. For 60 years, Williams was associated with the university as professor of agronomy, department head, director of the Agricultural Experiment Station and dean of agriculture. His research with soybeans, corn and tobacco was ahead of its time; and, because of his leadership in the soil survey, nearly all of North Carolina was surveyed at an early date.
Campus Buildings Campus Map