FAQ – Shops
Paint Shop
Can we paint our own office?
Office space is considered University property and must comply with University Policies, Regulations & Rules. Painting of office space will be completed by Facilities Paint Shop. To request painting an office, contact your Facilities Liaison to submit a work order.
Can we choose any color?
There is an approved color scheme that can be found on our Paint Shop page. Any of the “Whites & Lights” color selections from Sherwin Williams have been approved for use by the Office of the University Architect.
What kind of paint do you use?
Our Paint Shop uses Sherwin Williams – ProMar 200 – Zero VOC, details can be found on the Paint Shop page.
General Shop
Can your shop weld stainless steel and aluminum?
Our Shop can weld all types of metals including cast iron.
How thick of sheet metal can your shop shear?
Our Shop can shear mild steel up to 16 gauge by 10′ long and stainless steel up to 22 gauge by 10′ long.
How much do bollards cost to fabricate and install?
A bollard fabrication and installation will typically cost around $500 each, depending on size, type, location and installation method. This estimate includes paint.
How much does it cost to install a bench?
A standard 6′ long bench will cost roughly $500 to install. This estimate does not include the purchase of the bench. Also, if it is installed on a concrete slab or brick pavers, the cost will be more depending on site conditions and prep work involved.
How much does it cost to install a ‘way finding’ sign?
Sign installation costs are dependent on type, size and location. Generally the price is between $150 – $2,400 for installation only.
Lock Shop
How do I get my locks changed?
If you need your locks changed, you must contact the service center (919-515-2991) to request a work order, the information needed is the building, location, room or door number. If we are keying it to something existing then include the key mark on the key to key it to, If this is a new lock, then we need to know how you would like your key to work. We will not key offices to entrances doors or for convenience. Keys will be delivered to your department Key Representative for distribution once completed.
Can I request extra keys?
If keys are needed, and you are NOT a key representative, you must go to your Key Representative to request any keys needed. Once your key request is made the key rep will fill out a key request form then send it through inter office mail. Once we received the filled out form, we will then process it, and cut the keys. At that time we will contact your key rep and make arrangements to deliver.
What do I do if I’ve lost my keys?
When you lose state issued keys you need to notify the department who issued them to you. All state issued keys have identifiable numbers on them. All keys returned to the Locksmith Department will be identified and returned to the proper department as soon as possible. We do not give out information about where lost keys might belong or to whom, except to the Key Representative of that department.
Where to Look?
1. Think when & where you had them last.
2. Retrace your steps.
3. Check with main offices in the building you were in or around.
Other Places to check:
1. Locksmith Department (919) 515-9926
2. Service Center 919-515-2991
3. Steam Plant 919-515-9908
What should I do if I’ve found keys?
If you should find a set of keys, and they do not belong to your department, and you do not know where they belong, please send them to the lock shop through interoffice mail, PO box 7541 and we will investigate and return keys to rightful owners. The lock shop will not give out any information about where the keys may belong or to whom.
What do I do if I’m locked out?
In the event that you are locked out and need to send a locksmith to open the door for you, we will need you to contact the service center to create a work order.
We do not unlock rooms or buildings for anyone without verification. We have no way of knowing if you belong in the area you are trying to access. If you are authorized to have access to that room please have someone available to verify, if not then Campus Police will need to unlock the door. Please call or see if someone from your department may have an extra key first.
What should I do in an emergencies?
When emergencies occur during working hours, (7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, accept major holidays), you can submit a work request online. When emergencies occur after hours, (3:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., Saturday through Sunday and holidays), you can contact the Steam Plant, to report your trouble with door number and location. The Steam plant will then contact Locksmith on call.