FacMod workflow revised 2024-07-02

The path a facilities modification request takes. This is a workflow diagram that starts with the pane Submit and Authorize. In that pane is a box titled New Request: Campus user completes online form - full description of work (quantities; voltages; cutsheets; specifications, if applicable). An arrow points to the next box called Authorized: College Facilities Coordinator (CFC) and/or Department Head Authorizes Request. Two arrows transition to the next pane called Review & Approval. One arrow for to a box called Conceptual Estimation: In-house conceptual estimation or 3rd party estimation for larger scope. An arrow loops back to the Authorized box in the Submit and Authorize pane. The other arrow points to a box call Reviewed by. In that box are six smaller boxes called: Building Maintenance and Operations; Environmental Health and Safety; Design and Construction; Fire and Life Safety; Campus Planning and Strategic Investment; and Building Services. From that box, an arrow points to a box called Memo Sent: Approval memo and follow-up emails with directives sent to requestor. From that box, four arrows point to the final pane called Delivery. The arrows point respectively to boxes called In-House Construction: Project Management and Construction Shops (No Design); Contracted Construction: Project Management and Contracted Construction Services (No Design); Informal Design: Project Management, In-House or Contracted Design, Feasibility Studies; and Campus Planning and Strategic Investment: Campus Planning, Infrastructure Planning, Feasibility Studies, Sustainability.