About Us
Our Mission
The Facilities Division is committed to excellence in creating and preserving a physical environment that advances the university.
Our varied team of approximately 800 dedicated professionals plan for current and future needs, build high-impact facilities and maintain campus. As we work, we prioritize these strategic goals:
- Safety – Engage every employee in creating a safe work environment
- Service – Provide exceptional service in support of the institution
- Stewardship – Ensure responsible use of all resources
- Staff – Respect and empower all staff to fulfill their potential.
Design and Construction
Manages formal and informal projects on campus & the HUB program
Campus Planning and Strategic Investment
Leads planning, design and facilities data management
Business Operations
Manages core operational services for the division
Campus Operations and Maintenance
Maintain and operate campus infrastructure and buildings
Contact Us
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About NC State’s Campus
NC State is a leading public research university with a community of nearly 45,000 students, faculty and staff. State-wide, more than 100,000 acres and more than 1,000 buildings are allocated or leased by NC State. Most of that square footage is located in Raleigh, where NC State operates about 15 million gross square feet. The Raleigh campus includes five main precincts — Central, Centennial, North, South and West — as well as field labs along Lake Wheeler Road. To learn more about the university’s buildings, explore the Facilities by the Numbers Dashboard. You can also discover the history of campus development here.