By blmurrayNorth Carolina State University is seeking qualification statements from general contractors for improvements to the Utility Plant Capacity Expansion – Yarbrough Chiller Plant, located in... |Advertisements
By reluceProject: HVAC Renovations to Research Buildings I, III, IV, NC State Project # TBD Description: This phased project will improve the aging HVAC systems in Research Buildings... |Advertisements
By reluceProject: 111 Lampe Renovation, NC State Project # 202320011 Description: This project will renovate a total of approximately 67,000 GSF on the third and fourth floors.... |Uncategorized
By blmurraySealed proposals will be received by NC State University. Attention Melanie Butler until 2:00 pm on October 2, 2024, in Conference Room 301, Administrative Services... |Advertisements
By reluceProject: Polk Hall Renovations, NC State Project # 202220006 Description: This multi-phased project will renovate a portion of Polk Hall to improve research, office, and student spaces.... |Advertisements
By reluceOn behalf of the Selection Committee, we would like to extend thanks for your firm’s interest and appreciate the time you spent preparing your submission.... |News, Uncategorized
By jeredaA new USDA plant improvement facility at NC State will help take agricultural science into the future with cutting-edge research. |Events, News, Uncategorized
By StaffExplore NC State’s Holiday Energy Savings Initiative and learn the small steps you can take to significantly reduce energy consumption and expenses. |News
By StaffNC State’s Summer Energy Savings Initiative leverages lull in classroom usage for energy conservation, reducing costs and minimizing straing for regional electricity grids. |News
By blmurraySkanska USA Building, Inc., CM at Risk for the NC State University Integrative Sciences Building project will be accepting sealed bids from Prequalified Bidders at... |News, Uncategorized
By StaffNC State University’s Fitts-Woolard Hall has earned Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification at the Silver level. |News, Uncategorized
By reluceProject: Utility Plant Building Expansion – Cates Chiller Plant, NC State Project # 202220001 Description: This phased project will design and construct an approximately 3,000 SF addition... |News, Uncategorized
By StaffNC State employees work tirelessly during the COVID-19 pandemic to develop and implement an indoor air quality plan that helps keep students, faculty and staff safe. |News, Uncategorized
By StaffWhen the fall semester took an unexpected turn to online instruction, LEED Lab shifted to embrace the new learning opportunity. |News, Uncategorized
By StaffGrounds Services is saving money and boosting sustainability by growing flowers and plants in its own greenhouse on the west side of campus. |News, Uncategorized
By StaffFrom new construction to major renovations, a refreshed NC State campus welcomes many Wolfpack employees back to in-person work. |News, Uncategorized
By djstrangNC State employees hustled to get critical supplies for campus when COVID-19 reached the United States, ensuring the Wolfpack had the necessities for safe classes, research and work. |News, Uncategorized
By cwdavis3At Carmichael Gym — which has one of the most problematic roofs on campus — Facilities employees leveraged the COVID-19 closure to install a roof overlay at a fraction of the estimated cost. |News, Uncategorized
By djstrangOnce COVID-19 started spreading in North Carolina, staff in the Facilities Division and Campus Enterprises stepped up to the challenge of making campus a safe environment for students, faculty and other staff members. |News, Uncategorized
By StaffNC State’s housekeeping staff go above and beyond the call of duty every day to ensure a safe and healthy environment for the campus community. |News, Newswire, Uncategorized
By StaffNC State’s new Compost Facility and Research Cooperative diverts organic waste from the landfill, giving it new life in a number of beneficial ways on campus. |News, Uncategorized
By cwdavis3NC State Facilities Division employee Andrew Futrell is using GIS technology to identify drive-up testing sites for COVID-19. |News, Uncategorized
By StaffWith a fraction of its staff, Energy Systems continues to provide round-the-clock utility and facilities operations to hundreds of campus buildings while also monitoring for emergencies and reducing energy use in unoccupied buildings. |News, Uncategorized