Finance Policies and Procedures


The Facilities Division purchasing procedures are outlined in the Facilities Purchasing Policy & Quick Guide. The purchasing process you will use depends on the cost of the item or services. This guide highlights the approvals that are needed depending on the transaction amount and provides quick guides to enter MarketPlace and AiM requisitions. See below for more detailed information.

  • Using Marketplace: When Marketplace is an option, opt for Marketplace. Here’s how
  • Using AiM: Watch this video to learn how to enter a purchase request in AiM
  • Purchasing Training: Before an employee can coordinate purchases in their unit or department, the employee’s director should email with the employee’s name, purchasing approval level and the OUC that the employee should have rights to purchase against. AiM Help Desk will coordinate Marketplace training, AiM training and general purchasing training for the employee

Integrated Priority List

The Integrated Priority List is a university-wide tool that is managed and coordinated by the Facilities Division. While Facilities can add new projects to the list at any time, the deadline to be considered for current fiscal year funding is typically mid-August.