Physical Master Plan

NC State 2023 Physical Master Plan

The 2023 Physical Master Plan, Framing the Future, provides a unified, comprehensive vision to align development of campus buildings, grounds and infrastructure with the university’s Strategic Plan, Powering the Extraordinary. This is the most far-reaching physical master plan in NC State’s history, encompassing the five campus precincts in Raleigh, as well as the field labs at Lake Wheeler Road and Reedy Creek Road.

The Plan sets forth a distinct set of Guiding Principles, developed with broad campus input, that act as guideposts for decision-making. A Campus Development Process, which includes an orientation program, has been created to ensure a sense of belonging, transparency, and ease of understanding. A series of prototypes identify key design elements and considerations for any future project to discuss and potentially implement.

NC State is a beautiful campus of precincts with distinct, unique neighborhoods that are organized around active and lively open spaces that promote interaction. These precincts are knit together with a consistent and coherent multi-modal pathway system that prioritizes the pedestrian and focuses on a connected campus experience.

Each Campus Precinct plan builds on the strengths and attributes of that precinct to create vibrant, welcoming, safe, sustainable places that, when connected through All Campus Paths, open spaces, and reliable infrastructure, create a campus that is a source of pride and identity for the NC State Community.

Master Plan Documents

2023 Master PlanPDF

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