Project Description
This project will provide new student housing and dining facilities in multiple phases to address increased demand driven by enrollment growth and the freshman live-on-campus requirement. The project will construct about 3000 traditional and semi-suite style student beds and a new 1500-seat dining facility on Central Campus and will have a focus on sustainability. New construction is anticipated as follows:
- ~800,000 GSF of housing
- ~100,000 GSF of dining
- ~25,000 GSF of student life space
Three existing student housing buildings, a dining facility, and a small service building at the end of their useful lives will be demolished as part of this multi-phase project. To meet financial goals the bed count must increase with each phase of development. A new dining facility will increase the seat count for all-you-care-to-eat dining, including a cafe + market, and student center activity-oriented space. The project includes a new regional utility plant, underground utility distribution, and considers rerouting a campus street. Phases anticipated:
- Phase 1 – construct approximately 1,500 beds
- Phase 2 – demolish one residence hall, West Dunn Building, and construct approximately 750 beds and the dining hall/student center space
- Phase 3 – demolish remaining buildings, construct approximately 750 beds
Each phase of the project will target LEED Silver or better. Detailed Sustainability goals are being developed and will be provided to the selected design team during the Master Planning/Advance Planning phases.
Project Scope
The University seeks the professional services of a Construction Manager at Risk (CMR) to join the team in the Advance Planning phase to provide services for the project through master planning, design, construction and post-acceptance.
Each RFQ response should include the CMR Information Form filled out in Microsoft Word format. The form provides basic information about the firm, staff and similar projects that are included in the response.
The project is approved to proceed with an Advance Planning budget of $5.0 million. A total budget is anticipated to be approximately $870,000,000 incorporating design, construction, and all soft costs for the life of the project.
The CMR will be an integral part of the team during the preconstruction phase. The scope includes:
- Preconstruction Services as defined by the NC State Construction Office.
- Site Master Planning – District Planning
- Programming
- For each phase:
- Advance Planning
- Design – cost estimating and constructability reviews for each phase of design
- Bidding
- Construction Administration
- Closeout
Project Site
The project site is located in the Central Campus precinct. The site is approximately 30 acres and is bounded by Thurman Drive and the North Carolina Railroad to the North; the Western edge of Lee Field to the West; Rocky Branch Creek to the South; and Dan Allen Drive to the East.
Existing buildings on the site that are planned to be demolished as part of the project include Lee Residence Hall, Sullivan Residence Hall, Bragaw Residence Hall, West Dunn Building, and Fountain Dining Hall.
CMR Pre-Submittal Meeting
A Pre-submittal Meeting will be held at 4:00PM February 4, 2024, in Room 3260C at the Talley Student Union, 2610 Cates Avenue, Raleigh 27607 on the NC State University campus. Obtain parking permits from NCSU Transportation, located in Administrative Services I, at 2721 Sullivan Drive. Attendance at the CMR Pre-Submittal Meeting is encouraged but not mandatory.
To offer Construction Manager at Risk services in response to this solicitation, the proposer must be licensed as a general contractor in the state of North Carolina.
Project Schedule
The CMR selection process is scheduled to be complete by early May. The selected team shall be ready to kick-off the project as soon as preconstruction contracting is complete, and work diligently to fully staff the project. Completion of phases is anticipated as follows:
- Advance Planning – December 2025
- Phase 1 – January 2030
- Phase 2 – January 2032
- Phase 3 – January 2034
Submittal Requirements
Interested firms can participate in the process by submitting a proposal that addresses all the information requested by the Qualifications Questionnaire for CM at Risk. The Questionnaire will be available on January 27, 2025 through the Project Manager or on the website.Please note that the length of the proposal should be limited to twenty (20) pages on both sides. This limitation does not include the Cover Sheet, Tabs or Financial Statements.Firms are requested to submit electronic proposals at the email address listed below by February 21, 2025.
CMR Selection Process
Following the receipt of proposals, a University Interview Committee, appointed by the Secretary to the University Board of Trustees Building and Property Committee, will shortlist three (3) firms, interview and make a recommendation of selection to the University Board of Trustees Buildings and Property Committee. The selected firm will contract with the State of North Carolina through the University and coordinate services with Design and Construction.
Critical Selection Factors
- Workload that is fully able to accommodate the timely execution of this project. List projects for which the company is currently committed including the name and location of each project, time frame to complete, and dollar volume of each project.
- Record of successfully completed projects of similar scope without major legal or technical problems. List three projects of similar size, scope and complexity, including details on the scope of preconstruction and construction phase services.
- Provide the annual workload for each of the last five years, the number of projects and total dollar value. Provide complete information regarding past litigations and claims.
- Record of Financial viability. Attach the latest balance sheet and income statement if available, based on company type. Audited statements are preferred. If not available, attach a copy of the latest annual renewal submission to the relevant licensing board. Indicate Dunn and Bradstreet’s rating if one exists. Attach a letter from Surety Company or its agent licensed to do business in North Carolina verifying the proposer’s capability of providing adequate performance and payment bonds for this project.
- Previous experiences with the Owner, a good working relationship with Owner representatives, completed projects promptly and performed an acceptable quality of work. For the three projects requested in item 2 above, provide owner references including contact information for the project owner representative. Additionally, list all construction projects performed by the proposer for agencies and institutions of the State of North Carolina during the past 10 years.
- Key personnel that have appropriate experience and qualifications. Attach a sworn statement that key personnel will be exclusively assigned to this project for its duration. For each person, detail what aspects of pre-construction or construction the person will handle, as well as his experience in the firm, other prior and relevant experience with projects of similar size and scope, and the person’s location. Include current resumes and references and provide an email address for each individual.
- Relevant and easily understood graphic or tabular presentations.
- Completion of CM at Risk projects in which there was little difference between the GMP and final cost. For the three projects requested in item 2 above, list the GMP and the total cost of the project at completion.
- Projects that were completed on or ahead of schedule. For the three projects requested in item 2 above, compare the number of days in the original schedule with the number of days taken for actual completion.
- Construction administration capabilities.
- Proximity to and familiarity with the area where the project is located and the dynamics of the local market.
- Approach to design phase services, including constructability reviews and cost estimating. Appropriate level of commitment to each phase of service, staffed with appropriate personnel. Provide a brief description of how the project will be organized and managed and how the services will be performed in both pre-construction and construction phases. Project planning that offers the same project manager for pre-construction and construction phases will be given preference. Include information regarding value engineering, constructability issues, cost modeling and estimate, project tracking and reporting, request for information and shop drawings, quality control, schedule and staffing plan.
- Quality of compliance plan for minority business participation as required by G.S.143-128.2. History of successful implementation of similar HUB efforts. Describe the program that your company has developed to encourage participation by minority and other HUB firms to meet or exceed the goals set by the statute. Attach a copy of that plan to the proposal. Provide documentation of the minority and other HUB participation that you have achieved over the
past two years on both public and private construction projects. Outline specific efforts that your company takes to notify minority and other HUB firms of opportunities for participation. Indicate the minority participation goal that you expect to achieve on this project.
- Demonstrate evidence of strong firm leadership, development of younger staff, and a succession plan for firm leadership.
- A minimum of three references with current contact information, including email addresses and phone numbers.
- Proximity to and familiarity with the NCSU campus.
- LEED Certified Project Experience
CMR Contract
The contract will be negotiated with the CMR in two parts. Part one of the contract is pre-construction services. The second part of the contract is for bidding, construction, and close-out services.
Selection Process
Following the receipt of proposals, a University Committee will shortlist and interview 3 firms, and make a recommendation of selection to the University Board of Trustees’ Buildings and Property Committee.
Interview Schedule
- Shortlist will be made in mid-March. Shortlisted firms will be notified after Board of Trustees approval in late March (meeting currently unscheduled).
- Interview will be in late April or early May
Questions/Proposal Submittal
For the selection process to be as objective as possible, do not contact members of the Board of Trustees, or any university officials other than the project manager. All questions and project submittals are to be directed to:
Laura Zaytoun, Project Manager
NC State University Facilities Division
Design and Construction
Phone 919-513-0056
Summary of Project Links
- Form 1 – CMR Project Summary
- 12-CMR RFP Data Sheet
- 00-CMR Qualifications Questionnaire
- 01-CMR Section I
- 02-CMR Section II
- 03-CMR Section III
- Cates West CMR Information Form
- CMR Pre-Submittal Meeting Sign-In Sheet
- CMR Pre-Submittal Meeting Presentation
- Submit Questions:
- University Responses: